Tuesday, April 3, 2012

100+ uses for AVON SKIN-SO-SOFT

89. SSS can be used as a muzzle, eye, and ear enhancer. Generally we used baby oil but it was so messy. I tried SSS and it works great and still helps keep bugs away.
90. I have a show mare that has allergies and also gets dry skin very easily so I started giving her baths in SSS. What I do is bathe her like normal and then I put a capful of SSS in a 5 gallon bucket of warm water and sponge this all over her. Her hair coat dries silky soft and she quits itching. Works for her.
91. The bug guard towelletes we had last summer work great on the horse's ears and around their eyes.
92. When I have to band (braid) their manes I use the Techniques Oil Sheen. It seems to help hold the braids a lot better and they don't try to rub them out.
93. The dry end serum works great in their tails as a detangler. Everything I have mentioned here I use faithfully on our show horses. The products are a heck of a lot cheaper than actual horse products. People see me using these products at the horse shows and start inquiring about them. I usually let them take my bottles and try them on their horses at the show which usually ends up in a sale for me.

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